Fall Lecture Series
Online Weekly Lectures: November 7 - December 10, 2024
Online Weekly Lectures: November 7 - December 10, 2024
Journey with us this fall as we explore the stories behind a number of fascinating individuals from Community of Christ's past. Hear the story behind the first woman to join the church in England, explore the details involved in the famous Clark Braden vs. E. L. Kelley debates in 1880s Kirtland, learn about the first RLDS missionary in Italy, identify the "movers and shakers" behind New Mormon History movement, and hear Stassi Cramm share her story as our second storyteller in the "Your Story is Church History" series.
Preserving the Historic Sites, One Lecture at a Time
Although the online lectures are free and open to the public, donations received from the lecture series go to support the development and expansion of new educational resources, student internships, and historic site preservation. Please consider contributing a $15 donation per lecture. Click "Donate" at the top of the page to learn more about how you can help support Community of Christ historic sites. Thank you for helping preserve Community of Christ heritage!
Although the online lectures are free and open to the public, donations received from the lecture series go to support the development and expansion of new educational resources, student internships, and historic site preservation. Please consider contributing a $15 donation per lecture. Click "Donate" at the top of the page to learn more about how you can help support Community of Christ historic sites. Thank you for helping preserve Community of Christ heritage!
November 7 Lecture: "Kirtland During the Gilded Age: Context to the Braden - Kelley Debates of 1884" with Seth Bryant Join Seth Bryant as he explores life in Kirtland at the time of the historic debates between Edmund L. Kelley and Clark Braden. Seth will dive into the priorities of the RLDS during this time, especially as those priorities played out in 1880s Kirtland. The lecture will also take a look at who was visiting the temple during the time of the debates such as the general public, the press, and members of the LDS Church. Lastly, Seth will share an overview of the debate including biographies of the two well know ministers involved. The lecture will conclude with the fascinating details uncovered about the post-debate fallout and more. |
November 13 Lecture:
"Ann Cottam Dawson: First Female Baptized in Europe, 1785-1849" with Robyn Spears Join Robyn Spears as she explores the life and legacy of Ann Cottam Dawson. On July 30, 1837, fifty-two-year-old widow Ann Cottam Dawson was baptized by immersion in the River Ribble in Preston, England--claiming the title of the first Latter-day Saint woman in Europe. This study of Dawson informs and instructs us on the truly global influence of the Restoration movement. |
November 21 Lecture:
"Making Peace with the Past: Community of Christ's Response to the 'New Mormon History' with Lachlan Mackay Join Lach Mackay as he explores the complicated history Community of Christ members and leaders have had with church heritage, sometimes embracing it, sometimes denying it, and sometimes doing both at the same time. The arrival of New Mormon History in the second half of the 20th century challenged many foundational myths, making the relationship even more complex. It has been a long, slow, and at times painful process, but the first decades of the 21st century have seen significant progress made as the church makes peace with its past. |
December 3 Lecture:
"Onward to Zion: Stassi Cramm Shares Her Story" Community of Christ President-designate Stassi Cramm serves as our second storyteller in the “Your Story is Church History” series. Listen to her share her own historical journey with the people, places, and experiences that helped shape who she is today. Its going to be an evening of tales that will offer greater insight into Stassi the disciple and her path to accept the call to become Community of Christ’s first female president/prophet. Click the box below to view the video. |
December 10 Lecture:
"Living Saints: An Ecumenical Faith Journey Through the Land of Italy" with Michael Wright Join Michael Wright as he takes you on an ecumenical faith journey through Italy in our final program of the fall lecture series. Sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired by the Community of Christ Historic Sites 2024 Tour of Italy. Michael will take you on a virtual pilgrimage to Italian cities like Rome, Assisi, and Florence while exploring Community of Christ's Enduring Principles through the experiences of saints from many traditions, including the Restoration movement! Stories from antiquity to modernity will link the values of Community of Christ with the wisdom and experiences of faith traditions older than our own, including the Roman Catholic church, the Jewish faith, and the Waldensian Protestant tradition! Program begins at 7 PM (Central). |