Online Church History Lectures
Our library of church history lectures continues to grow with each online lecture series. All of the lectures are recorded and made available thanks to the generosity of our donors. Click on the blue box located below each of the lecture summaries to view the online program of your choice. The lectures are organized by the date and series in which they were presented (beginning with the most recent lecture series). In addition, a number of our guest speakers sat down with Karin Peter from the Project Zion Podcast to discuss their research topics. The PZP interviews go into greater detail about the church history covered in each of the lectures. Click the interview buttons below to hear the fascinating behind-the-scenes interviews with your favorite speakers.
Preserving the Historic Sites, One Lecture at a Time
Although the online lectures are free and available to the public, donations received from the lectures go to support the ongoing preservation and maintenance of Community of Christ historic sites. Click "Donate" at the top of the page to learn more about how you can help support the historic sites.. Thank you for your generosity.
Preserving the Historic Sites, One Lecture at a Time
Although the online lectures are free and available to the public, donations received from the lectures go to support the ongoing preservation and maintenance of Community of Christ historic sites. Click "Donate" at the top of the page to learn more about how you can help support the historic sites.. Thank you for your generosity.
Fall 2024 Lecture Series
November 7 Lecture: "Kirtland During the Gilded Age: Context to the Braden - Kelley Debates of 1884" with Seth Bryant Join Seth Bryant as he explores life in Kirtland at the time of the historic debates between Edmund L. Kelley and Clark Braden. Seth will dive into the priorities of the RLDS during this time, especially as those priorities played out in 1880s Kirtland. The lecture will also take a look at who was visiting the temple during the time of the debates such as the general public, the press, and members of the LDS Church. Lastly, Seth will share an overview of the debate including biographies of the two well know ministers involved. The lecture will conclude with the fascinating details uncovered about the post-debate fallout and more. |
November 13 Lecture:
"Ann Cottam Dawson: First Female Baptized in Europe, 1785-1849" with Robyn Spears Join Robyn Spears as she explores the life and legacy of Ann Cottam Dawson. On July 30, 1837, fifty-two-year-old widow Ann Cottam Dawson was baptized by immersion in the River Ribble in Preston, England--claiming the title of the first Latter-day Saint woman in Europe. This study of Dawson informs and instructs us on the truly global influence of the Restoration movement. |
November 21 Lecture:
"Making Peace with the Past: Community of Christ's Response to the 'New Mormon History' with Lachlan Mackay Join Lach Mackay as he explores the complicated history Community of Christ members and leaders have had with church heritage, sometimes embracing it, sometimes denying it, and sometimes doing both at the same time. The arrival of New Mormon History in the second half of the 20th century challenged many foundational myths, making the relationship even more complex. It has been a long, slow, and at times painful process, but the first decades of the 21st century have seen significant progress made as the church makes peace with its past. |
December 3 Lecture:
"Onward to Zion: Stassi Cramm Shares Her Story" Community of Christ President-designate Stassi Cramm serves as our second storyteller in the “Your Story is Church History” series. Listen to her share her own historical journey with the people, places, and experiences that helped shape who she is today. Its going to be an evening of tales that will offer greater insight into Stassi the disciple and her path to accept the call to become Community of Christ’s first female president/prophet. Click the box below to view the video. |
December 10 Lecture:
"Living Saints: An Ecumenical Faith Journey Through the Land of Italy" with Michael Wright Join Michael Wright as he takes you on an ecumenical faith journey through Italy in our final program of the fall lecture series. Sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired by the Community of Christ Historic Sites 2024 Tour of Italy. Michael will take you on a virtual pilgrimage to Italian cities like Rome, Assisi, and Florence while exploring Community of Christ's Enduring Principles through the experiences of saints from many traditions, including the Restoration movement! Stories from antiquity to modernity will link the values of Community of Christ with the wisdom and experiences of faith traditions older than our own, including the Roman Catholic church, the Jewish faith, and the Waldensian Protestant tradition! Program begins at 7 PM (Central). |
Annual Joseph Smith III Peace Lecture
Our friends from Liberty Hall invited Andrew Bolton to share as the 2024 guest speaker for the Joseph Smith III Peace Lecture. The title of Andrew's lecture was, "Following Jesus the Peaceful One in Difficult Times." Click the button below to view a video recording of Andrew's lecture presented on September 21. |
Spring 2024 Lecture Series
"Even More AWARE: RLDS Feminist Activism in the 1970s" with Nancy Ross and David Howlett
Listen in as David Howlett and Nancy Ross share their encore presentation on Community of Christ’s historic path towards women in the priesthood. Their talk traces the evolution of RLDS feminism from small consciousness raising groups in the late 1960s to more formal advocacy and educational organizations in the 1970s. This special presentation is in honor of the 40th anniversary of women’s ordination in Community of Christ. |
May 2 Program: "Something Lost, Go and Find It" with Everett Graffeo Our first storyteller in the “Your Story is Church History” series is Everett Graffeo, former presiding evangelist in Community of Christ. Everett best describes his life story as: “Life is not a goal toward which we reach, but a response to a voice in our hearts and minds that sets us on a journey of discovery.” Everett’s personal path began in Iowa and expanded across the globe to include living in French Polynesia, and Hawaii, responsibility for Pacific Islands, Australia, the Philippines, and India mission centers. Take the time to hear Everett Graffeo's unique story as shared by the former presiding evangelist himself. Click the button below to hear Everett's story. |
May 9 Program:
The Lord's Supper in the Early RLDS Church with Michael Nielsen Join Michael Nielsen as he explores the procedural and doctrinal aspects of the Lord's Supper in the nineteenth and early twentieth century RLDS Church. Using sources such as church periodicals, letters, and diaries, the lecture shows that the Reorganization, through continuous dialogue and experience, forged a broad understanding of how the Lord's Supper fit in the spiritual life of the church. Click the button below to view the recorded lecture. |
May 16 Lecture:
Facing Modernity: Fred M. Smith and the Theology of the Social Gospel with Tony Chvala-Smith Could a tiny church from the American Midwest, steeped in its premodern worldview of preaching charts, sectarian certainty, miraculous healings, hope for 'Celestial Glory,' and well-guarded doctrinal boundaries say anything meaningful to a modern industrial society characterized by an impoverished urban underclass, child labor, unregulated capitalism, and the exploitation of industrial workers? Fred M. Smith thought so. But to find a theological language suited to this monumental task he looked beyond the Reorganization to the the work of Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918), a Baptist minister and professor of theology at Colgate Divinity School (Rochester, NY), and the chief architect of the theology of the Social Gospel Movement. The result was a remarkable synthesis of the Reorganization's distinctive Zion traditions with Rauschenbusch's politically charged, state-of-the-art Liberal Protestant thought on Jesus' message of God's kingdom on earth. Stepping beyond the safety of Restoration borderlands would have a permanent, transformative impact on Fred M.'s church. Click the button below to view the May 16th lecture with Tony Chvala-Smith. |
May 24 Lecture:
The Voice of Terii: First Female Baptized in Oceania, c. 1800 - 1860 with Robyn Spears On July 22, 1844, in the harbor village of Mataura, on Tubuai, the main island of the Austral Island group located four hundred miles south of Tahiti, a woman known simply as Terii became the first female baptized into Community of Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Oceania. This study of Terii informs and instructs us on the truly global influence of the Restoration movement. Click the blue button below to view a recording from the May 24 lecture with Robyn Spears. |
Fall 2023 Lecture Series
October 19 Lecture:
"There's an Old, Old Song: Hymns as Objects of Historic Restoration" with John-Charles Duffy When we think of historic restoration, we may most readily think of buildings or other tangible objects; but hymns are an intangible cultural heritage that can also be salvaged, restored, and refurbished for present-day use. In this presentation, we will examine--and sing--hymns from different Latter Day Saint traditions (pre-1844, RLDS, Rigdonite, and Strangite) that fell into disuse, but which our presenter has revised so that they will be compatible with Community of Christ's current theology yet still evocative of the time in which the hymns were first written. |
October 26 Lecture: "The Life of William Marks: Faithful Leader to Two Josephs" with John Dinger Join John Dinger as he discusses the life of William Marks. Marks was an early convert who quickly gained the trust of Joseph Smith. He was given many important assignments and served in important leadership positions. After the death of Joseph Smith, Jr., he joined several restoration movements, but always left disappointed. Eventually he found the RLDS movement, which helped convince Joseph Smith III to join and lead the church. Because he was so trusted, Marks was eventually called to the First Presidency, where he served until his death. |
November 9 Lecture:
"Mr. Smith Goes to Salt Lake City: Fred M. in Utah 1904-1906" with Christin Mackay In February 1904, Frederick Madison Smith accepted an invitation from President Joseph F. Smith to attend a family reunion in Salt Lake City honoring the 104th anniversary of Hyrum Smith’s birth. While becoming acquainted with his Utah cousins, Fred M. was invited to speak in the Tabernacle. The next year, Fred M., his wife Ruth, and young daughter Alice moved to Salt Lake City to live among the Latter-day Saints from May 1905 until March 1906. Ruth called their time in Utah “various and curious.” While spending time with cousins by day, Fred studied in the evening how best to convince them the “Josephites” were the “true church.” Much of the drama of Fred’s visit played out in the RLDS favored Salt Lake Tribune vs the LDS favored Deseret News and Joseph Fielding Smith. |
November 16 Lecture:
Becoming More AWARE: RLDS Feminist Activism in the 1970s with Nancy Ross and David Howlett Join David Howlett and Nancy Ross as they narrate the development of RLDS feminist activism in the 1970s. Their talk will trace the evolution of RLDS feminism from small consciousness raising groups in the late 1960s to more formal advocacy and educational organizations in the 1970s. They will pay particular attention to the grassroots group known as AWARE and its advocacy for egalitarian relationships in the church and society. |
An Update on the 1840s Smith/Larsen Daguerreotype with Lachlan Mackay Join Lachlan Mackay as he shares an update on the 1840s Smith/Larsen daguerreotype. This is the artifact featured in our August 3, 2022 lecture, "Hidden Things Shall Come to Light: The Visual Image of Joseph Smith, Jr." Lachlan will explore the history behind the historic daguerreotype that was tucked away inside a locket and passed down through the women of the Smith family. He will also share new evidence in support of his opinion that the individual featured in the daguerreotype is Joseph Smith, Jr. This lecture was the final lecture in the Fall Lecture Series and was recorded live on November 28, 2023. |
Annual Joseph Smith III Peace LectureDo you have plans for Community of Christ Heritage Day this Sunday? All are welcome to join our friends from Liberty Hall as they gather online for the annual Joseph Smith III Peace Lecture. The 2023 guest speaker is John C. Hamer. Click the button below to view the annual peace lecture this Sunday at 2 pm (Central USA). The lecture is free, no registration required.
Stories of the Scattered Saints
Spring 2023 Lecture Series
Spring 2023 Lecture Series
May 11 Lecture: Polygamy, Perceptions, and Power: How the Strangites Became RLDS with Vickie Cleverly Speak James J. Strang claimed an angel anointed him to be Joseph Smith Jr.’s successor. He attracted hundreds of Saints to his colonies in Voree and Beaver Island by claiming he did not believe in polygamy. Potential converts balked. But the near fatal blow to the Strangite kingdom came when Strang had himself crowned a King. This presentation will show how disillusioned former members helped form the “New Organization." |
May 18 Lecture: "Charley's a Gal": James Jesse Strang's First Plural Wife, Elvira Eliza Field with Amy DeRogatis James Jesse Strang claimed to be the rightful successor of Joseph Smith and began his leadership opposing plural marriage. But is 1849 he secretly married a young convert named Elvira Eliza Field and for six months she dressed as his fictitious nephew Charley Douglass and served as his personal secretary while he traveled on a missionary tour of the East Coast. This presentation will discuss the six months during which Field cross-dressed and will ask the audience to consider why she would take the risk of being photographed incognito. |
May 25 Lecture: From Morrisite to Josephite and Beyond with Eric Paul Rogers This lecture will explore the organization and development of The Church of the Firstborn under prophet-leader Joseph Morris, the conflict that resulted in the death of Morris, and the dispersion of Morris' followers among various faith communities including the RLDS Church. |
June 1 Lecture:
Lyman Wight and Mormon Trails in Texas Dust: The Wild Ram and his flock in the Texas Hill Country before 1860 with Melvin Clarno Johnson This presentation will explore the renegade apostle and his polygamous colony’s adventures and journeys to Sycamore Springs and Bee Creek on the outskirts of Austin; Zodiac in Gillespie County; Mormon Mills in Burnet County, and Bandera in Bandera County. They dominated the frontier economies where their mechanical mills ran and organized villages and three county governments. Specific scrutiny will consider the Zodiac Temple and the Mormon Mills Cemetery. |
April 6 Program: The History of the Church SealJoin Andrew Bolton as he explores the nearly 150 year history behind the Community of Christ's beloved church seal. A highlight of the program is the visual exhibition of diverse art, color, and design variations through the lens of history and today's global community. The title of Andrew Bolton's presentation is the "History of the Church Seal: War, Peace, and Visual Theology." The live program was recorded on April 6, 2023, the 193rd anniversary of the founding of Community of Christ. Click the blue button below to view a recording of the April 6th program.
An Evening with the Historians
Winter Book Series: February 2023
Winter Book Series: February 2023
February 16
Integrating Freemasonry into your Concept of Mormon History with Cheryl L. Bruno and Dr. Nicholas S. Literski Your concept of Mormon history depends so much upon what facts you have at your disposal and which narratives you have heard. Freemasonry has likely been on the periphery of your experience with Mormonism. Authors Cheryl Bruno and Dr. Nick Literski will provide information, facts, stories, and legends about Freemasonry and the beginnings of Mormonism that will expand your understanding of how and why this esoteric organization became part of the Mormon restoration. Click the button below to view a recording of the February 16 program. |
February 23
The Story of Jane with Quincy D. Newell Jane Elizabeth Manning James was an early African American convert to Mormonism, joining Joseph Smith's movement in the early 1840s and sticking with it until her death in 1908. Scholar Quincy D. Newell, author of the only book-length biography of James, will tell stories about this remarkable woman's life and discuss how including her experience might change the way we think about African American history, the history of Mormon traditions, American women's history, and the history of the American West. Join us for the discussion on Thursday, February 23 @ 7:00 p.m. (Central Time). Click the button below to view a recording of the February 23 program. |
Stories of the Scattered Saints
Fall Lecture Series: October 13 - November 17, 2022
Fall Lecture Series: October 13 - November 17, 2022
November 17 Lecture: Divergent Paths of the Community of Christ: The Past One Hundred Years with Steven L. Shields From its inception, the notion that God could speak to ordinary people set the stage for a history of ever-emerging alternate viewpoints and schisms. This lecture will look specifically at the past one hundred years of Community of Christ’s history with schism, beginning with the upheaval in the 1920s when President Frederick M. Smith introduced “Supreme Directional Control,” through the disruption over women in the priesthood that was set in motion by Wallace B. Smith’s 1984 revelation (Doctrine and Covenants, Section 156). |
November 10 Lecture: Preserving Nauvoo History with the Stroke of a Brush: Life and Legacy of Profile Painter, Sutcliffe Maudsley with Steven Bule During a period of approximately four years, Sutcliffe Maudsley painted a number of profile images of leading citizens in Nauvoo, including members of the Smith family. This presentation will review briefly: (1) the artist’s life in England, Nauvoo, and Iowa, and (2) consider a sampling of his works that are historically significant for Latter Day Saint history and reveal an artist of considerable talent. |
October 27 Lecture: The Rocky Road to Prophethood: William Bickerton's Emergence as an American Prophet with Daniel P. Stone William Bickerton's experiences tell much about the Latter Day Saint past. By 1852, he audaciously forsook two Mormon leaders, Sidney Rigdon and Brigham Young, and embarked on a mission to establish a new American church (which is now the third-largest Latter Day Saint church in the world). During his prophetic journey, he strove to defy Brigham Young and endeavored to separate the Book of Mormon from Mormonism -- a herculean task. Instead of weakening his faith, Bickerton's dissatisfaction with Rigdon and Young actually propelled him to reevaluate the Restored Gospel and prepare the world for Zion. |
October 13 Lecture:
The Scattered Saints and the Artifacts They Left Behind with Lachlan Mackay, Seth Bryant, and Barbara Walden The opening lecture features Lachlan Mackay, Seth Bryant, and Barb Walden highlighting a number of historic documents and artifacts that reflect the "Scattered Saints" period. Hear the stories behind the historic items and learn about the various Latter Day Saint leaders that began their own unique movements following the death of Joseph Smith, Jr. This lecture concludes with a brief overview of the "Stories of the Scattered Saints" lecture series with highlights about each of the fall 2022 presentations. |
View the 2022 Joseph Smith III Peace LectureThe video recording from Gwendolyn Hawks-Blue's 2022 lecture, "Black Americans in Community of Christ: A Journey of Hope," is now available. The 2022 annual peace lecture took place online on Sunday, September 18. We encourage you to take the time to view the video and learn more about this important piece of Community of Christ history. Individuals featured in the photo collage to the left include (clockwise from top left): Amy Robbins, William T. Blue, George Graves, Pauline Frisby, William Fuller, and Richard Hawks. Be sure to view the video lecture to learn more about these six significant individuals.
August 3: Hidden Things Shall Come to Light:
The Visual Image of Joseph Smith Jr Join Ron Romig and Lachlan Mackay as they explore the history behind an 1840s daguerreotype tucked away inside a locket that was passed down through the women of the Smith family. Ron and Lach will uncover the story behind the historic artifact and the evidence leading to their conclusion that the image inside the locket is that of Joseph Smith, Jr. |
Art, Story, and Identity in Community of Christ History
Spring Lecture Series: April 14 - June 2, 2022
Spring Lecture Series: April 14 - June 2, 2022
April 14 Lecture:
Mark Hill Forscutt: Mormon Missionary, Morrisite Apostle, and RLDS Minister with Eric Paul Rogers Eric Paul Rogers as explores three interwoven threads in the Restoration Movement through the experiences of "Uncle Mark" as he was known to many in the Reorganization. Particular attention will be given to the relatively little-known, and now extinct, faction called the Church of the Firstborn (Morrisite) established by Joseph Morris. |
April 21 Lecture: Charles Derry: First Reorganization Missionary in the British Isles with Andrew Bolton Andrew Bolton shares the story of Charles Derry, the first Reorganization missionary to the British Isles. Originally a blacksmith, he was born in England, baptized in 1847, and from the beginning was a bold missionary. In 1854, he and his family migrated to Utah. He lost his wife Ann on the way. Bitterly disillusioned in Utah, losing faith in both church and God, he fled Utah with his family in 1859. In Nebraska he met members of the new Reorganization and found faith again. His moving story of hope, tragedy, disillusionment, grace and recovered faith, gives a fascinating glimpse into the early church in Utah and the early Reorganization, both in the Midwest and the British Isles. |
April 28 Lecture: Doctrinal Self-definition and the Construction of an RLDS Theological Identity with Tony Chvala-Smith Inhabiting liminal space between Mormon and Protestant Boundaries compelled the Reorganization of the late 19th century to identify itself theologically. Reorganization apologists, like Marietta Walker, Henry Stebbins, John J. Cornish, Gomer Griffiths, and Alvin Knisley, rose to this challenge. They helped construct a doctrinal system that would characterize Reorganization theology for almost a century. Ironically, this system, built on shared presuppositions about the Bible and the propositional nature of doctrine, was remarkably Protestant. |
May 5 Lecture: John Avondet, the First Italian Missionary of the Reorganization with Michael Wright Join Michael Wright as he the explores the life and faith journey of John Avondet, the first Italian missionary of the Reorganization. Avondet was born among the Waldensian Valleys of the Piedmont region in 1828 at a time of great change in Italy. Born as a Waldensian, a primitivist and dissenting faith tradition, Avondet’s faith journey will introduce him to the Restoration, which would take him on a literal journey from the Italian Dolomites to the Wasatch Mountains of the American West, to the Prairies of Nebraska and back to his native Italy as the Reorganization’s first Italian missionary. We’ll explore the places, denominations, historic events, and folks who surrounded Avondet to get to know a little better this little-known Saint. |
May 12 Lecture:
The Development of the Community of Christ in the Netherlands up to 1948 with Kees Olijnsma The first desire to bring the Restoration to The Netherlands dates back to 1840. This lecture gives an overview of how this initiative led to the official establishment of the Community of Christ in The Netherlands in 1924. Also an interesting connection with the start of the Latter Day Saints church in The Netherlands will be explained. Kees will share the developments of the church in its first 25 years in The Netherlands and how this has led to two regional strongholds. |
May 19 Lecture:
Clifford Cole: Architect and Re-founder of the Modern Community of Christ with Keith Wilson Few members of the current Community of Christ realize that one previous leader had an outsized role in transforming the Reorganization church of Joseph Smith III into the modern Community of Christ. Clifford Cole did not crave the limelight. Nevertheless, more than any other individual he quietly led the RLDS leadership away from the Joseph Smith restoration to the more modern Community of Christ of today. This presentation will seek to highlight the way in which Cole became the dominant leader during two crucial decades of redirection in the RLDS faith (1950-1970). |
May 26 Lecture:
"Pleasing to look upon, and easy to understand": RLDS Preaching Charts, Their History and Usage with Dr. William Moore Elders and missionaries of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (RLDS) regularly used preaching charts to visually augment oral evangelism during the final decades of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. Often colorful, these graphic and artistic works, created by both professional artists and enthusiastic amateurs, were frequently quite large, measuring in some cases as much as twenty feet long or seven feet tall. This presentation, illustrated with charts from the Community of Christ Library and Archives in Independence and other sources, will offer an introduction to this important genre of RLDS art work. |
June 2 Lecture:
"What Were the Women to Do?" with Sherry Mesle-Morain Join Sherry Mesle-Morain as she explores the history of the Lamoni Mite Society and its place in the church from which it emerged to serve in its own way. The men of the priesthood had the leadership role in any of the women's efforts to organize themselves, but quilting was assumed to be a quiet, innocent activity among dedicated housewives, serving the dual role of raising money for the activities of the church as well as providing a social outlet for the women. Join Sherry as she shares the story and long lasting impact of the Lamoni Mite Society. |
Church History Without Boundaries
Lecture Series: October 7 - November 18, 2021
Lecture Series: October 7 - November 18, 2021
October 7 Lecture:
Church History and Christ's Mission Panel Discussion with John-Charles Duffy How can lovers of history preserve and share Community of Christ's history in ways that support church members in their ministry as disciples? At a time when Community of Christ is making difficult choices about how to dedicate the church's limited resources to its mission priorities, how much of a priority should church history be? |
October 14 Lecture:
Life and Legacy of Apostle Kisuke Sekine with Andrew Bolton, Phillip Caswell and Uilani Ishikawa Apostle Kisuke Sekine from Japan was the first Asian apostle, ordained at World Conference in 1980. He was a courageous pioneer on our journey to be an international church. Phil and Andrew, knew Sekine personally and worked with him. They tell of his deep Christian commitment in an Asian context. He faced racism and misunderstanding in the church, but to those who understood and knew him he was a capable and very loving brother in Christ. His wife, Sister Saku, was also an amazing disciple. Together they also founded and led Zion Kindergarten in Okinawa that continues today. Both were insightful child centered educators. |
October 21 Lecture:
A History of the RLDS Church/Community of Christ in Continental France with Chrystal Vanel Members from French Polynesia are often present during Community of Christ World Conferences, and today one Apostle is even Tahitian. But Community of Christ is also present in Continental France as a micro religious minority, mainly through the presence of Tahitian members living there. This lecture will present the history of the RLDS Church / Community of Christ in Continental France. |
October 28 Lecture:
Community of Christ History in Wales: From the hell of the coal face and the iron and tin-plate works to Zion with Richard James Join Apostle Richard James as he explores the history of Community of Christ in his beloved Wales. Why did the Restoration message resonate with Welsh people? What impact did the economic conditions have that enabled the restored gospel to give hope to people living with extreme hardships, crime, disease, and squalor? Why did so many people leave Wales, or leave the RLDS (Community of Christ) church? Have the “hills and the valleys of Wales resounded again with the news of the gospel?” |
November 4 Lecture:
The Church Behind the Iron Curtain with Eva Erickson and Kerstin Jeske Kerstin Jeske and Eva M. Erickson share stories of church life in the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) during the time of the Iron Curtain. Church life in East Germany was restricted by the government. Churches were under constant observation and church members at times experienced reprisals. Nevertheless, as you will hear in the stories, East Germany church life was vibrant and influential even in today’s Community of Christ in Germany. |
November 11 Lecture:
Green Shoots - Tiona and the Green Cathedral, From Inception into Tomorrow: A Continuing Legacy of Camping Ministry and Sharing the Sacredness of Creation with Ben Smith Tiona and the Green Cathedral (located in Australia) are often referred to as a spiritual home for so many. Its past is full of wonderful moments of ministry, and yet the future is calling – join us to look further into its mission. |
20th Century "Movers and Shakers"
in Community of Christ History
Online Lecture Series: April 22 - August 5, 2021
in Community of Christ History
Online Lecture Series: April 22 - August 5, 2021
April 22, 2021 Lecture:
An Evening of Church History with Richard Howard with Richard Howard and Andrea Read-Davis The spring lecture series kicks off with one of our favorite church historians: Richard P. Howard! Join Andrea Read-Davis and Richard Howard as they explore Richard’s experience preserving the past as church historian for Community of Christ from 1966-1994. Hear the details behind his groundbreaking research, reflections on the 20th century change agents, challenges he encountered, and some of the more hysterical moments experienced as church historian. |
April 29, 2021 Lecture:
Storm Clouds on the Horizon: The Competing Theological Visions of Elbert A. Smith and Roy Cheville with Tony Chvala-Smith Elbert A. Smith and Roy Cheville were towering figures in the life of the mid-20th century Reorganization. Both men served as Presiding Evangelist of the church, Cheville after Smith. Both were beloved by church members for the authenticity and credibility of their ministries. However, in the rear view mirror of historical hindsight we can now see that Smith and Cheville represented contrasting, even opposing, visions of the church, and that their interpretations of the Reorganization’s message were bound to come into serious conflict. Their theologies reveal the early signs of a gathering storm that would rattle the church to its foundations in the 1960s and beyond. |
May 6, 2021 Lecture:
Carl Mesle: Pastor in a Time of Turmoil with Sherry Mesle-Morain The Stone Church in Independence may not be an historic site just yet, but it was frequently referred to as the Mother Church in RLDS history. Carl Mesle was assigned to be pastor of this congregation during a time of internal turmoil as the church changed its focus, during a time of turmoil in the surrounding neighborhood, and at a time when the building itself needed major attention to its physical facility. Sherry Morain describes how her versatile father used his perceptive interpersonal skills to hold Community of Christ members and surrounding community to core values during a time of difficult transition. |
May 13, 2021 Lecture:
From Militarized Mission to Radical Resistance: Post-Colonial Reflections on Charles D. Neff's Legacy with Matthew Bolton From humble beginnings as a Midwestern American farm boy, Charles Neff went on to participate in the fundamental transformation of the Community of Christ, from a small provincial sect centered in the Midwestern plains, to a worldwide church spanning over 50 nations. Matthew will explore Neff’s work around the world, the founding of a number of humanitarian organizations, and Neff’s commitment to bringing relief, release and dignity to the world’s poor. |
May 20, 2021 Lecture:
"When Will the Little Woman Come Out of the House?" The Life and Legacy of Alice Smith Edwards with Paul Edwards Alice Edwards played the somewhat reluctant role as hostess to the royal family, as a professor of English Literature, and the mother of three wayward children. In each of these roles, this delightful and very human woman was both influenced and influential, leaving a significant mark. |
May 27, 2021 Lecture:
William T. Blue: A Lonely Spokesman for Black Saints with Bill Russell and Gwendolyn Hawks-Blue This lecture will explore the life and legacy of William Taft Blue, a leading African-American minister of the Reorganization during the 20th century. William “Bill” Blue was ordained a priest in 1947 and later named pastor of the Belmont Street Mission in Pensacola, Florida, a position he held for twenty-one years. While enduring church segregation and racism in the southern United States, Bill transformed his pain into an affirmative testimony of faith and perseverance. In the late 1960s, Bill and his wife Carrie relocated to Kansas City, Missouri, where he continued to work towards a world without racism and discrimination until his passing in 2007. |
August 5, 2021 Lecture
F. M. Smith, the Atherton Community, and American Communal Experiments with David Howlett David Howlett explores the story behind the Atherton stewardship community, an early RLDS experiment in communal living begun nearly a century ago. Nineteen families joined in shared property, labor, and worship on 2,500 acres of land purchased by the church outside of Independence, Missouri. The communal experiment was heralded as a grand success at the 1930 centennial celebration yet ended less than a decade later. David will share the story behind the church-sponsored experiment and what caused its formal closure. |
Fall 2020 Lecture Series:
Church History Without Boundaries
Church History Without Boundaries
October 1, 2020 Lecture:
“A Global Family": Strategies for Visualizing and Narrating Community of Christ’s Global History with John-Charles Duffy Doctrine and Covenants 161:6b challenges Community of Christ to "heed the urgent call to become a global family...." Part of becoming a global family is developing a shared story of who we are as a worldwide body, along with shared images of our worldwide community. In his presentation, John-Charles Duffy will share ongoing efforts to develop such a story and image. John-Charles will explore such questions as: How can we tell our story in a way that pulls back from the "Center Place" in the US to capture more prominently what is happening elsewhere in the globe? In what different ways can we literally map--and thus visualize--Community of Christ's history at a global level? This is a lecture you don't want to miss! |
October 8, 2020 Lecture:
The Story of Community of Christ in India with David Howlett Join David Howlett as he explores the historic people and places involved in the beginning of the RLDS/Community of Christ in India. David will discuss the complex details of Christianity in India and the significant sacrifices made by some of the earliest Community of Christ converts. |
October 15, 2020 Lecture:
The Story of Community of Christ in Southeastern Nigeria with Dima Hurlbut This lecture examines the expansion of the Community of Christ in Southeastern Nigeria during the 1960s and 1970s. It analyzes why Nigerians wanted to become members of the Community of Christ, and the impact that the global expansion of the church had on its theology and mission policy. |
October 22, 2020 Lecture:
Community of Christ History in the Holy Land with Barbara Walden Join Barb Walden as she shares the stories behind a wide variety of Latter Day Saints from the 19th and early 20th centuries who traveled to Palestine. A highlight of the lecture will include the history of women involved in the Palestine Mission (RLDS/Community of Christ) from 1910-1935. |
October 29, 2020 Lecture:
Latter Day Saint British Isles Missions, 1837-1863 with Andrew Bolton Missionary work began in Canada in 1833, but it was the 1837 British Isles mission that really launched Latter Day Saintism as an international movement. By 1851 over 50,000 people had been baptised, and W. H. G. Armytage, a British social historian, called it “The most spectacular harvest of souls since Wesley’s time.” Why this amazing growth and what happened next? |
November 5, 2020 Lecture:
The Church Encounters Asia. Beginnings: Korea with Steve Shields The first baptisms of indigenous church members in Asia took place in November 1954 in Korea. Japan followed the next year, and India about 5 years later. In Korea, the church grew under the leadership of US military personnel stationed in the country after the end of the Korean War and was modeled on the typical congregation in the USA. In the succeeding sixty-six years, the Korea Church has been challenged with missional relevance, been led by a mix of local and World Church appointee leaders, has enjoyed periods of numerical growth, and has maintained a small but stable membership population. |
November 12, 2020 Lecture:
1830s Latter Day Saint Missiology with Seth Bryant The ordination prayers over the first apostles and seventies (ordained in 1835 in Kirtland) reveal the orientation of our early missiology. Repeatedly, they were called to go, as apostolic representatives, to the edges of the globe. In their conception of the world, islands served as a rarefied space beyond the domestic, and were the ultimate realm of their apostolic calling. In this presentation, Seth will explore early Latter Day Saint missiology, and how it shaped the identity of the church. |
November 19, 2020 Lecture:
Bishop R.C. Evans of Canada: From the RLDS First Presidency to Schismatic Church Leader with John Hamer Join John Hamer as he explores the life and legacy of R.C. Evans. Evan was born and raised in Canada, a convert to the RLDS church who wore a variety of hats: convert, seventy, apostle, counselor in the First Presidency, and bishop over Canada. John will discuss Evan's 40+ years in leadership, the reasons for his sudden departure, and the founding of an opposition church. |
Bonus Lecture!
Saturday, November 21, 2020 Lecture: The Power of the Church Seal in the Life of Community of Christ with Andrew Bolton Join Andrew Bolton as he explores the story behind the Community of Christ peace seal. The church seal has functioned as “visual theology” in the life of Community of Christ for years. The seal has taken us from a past of violence to a people pursuing peace. It is greatly beloved by church members and is used all over the world. In this lecture, Andrew will take a look at the Isaiah 11:1-10 scripture and a hymn that inspired the church seal. This is an educational presentation of both history and theology, that includes art, color, and design drawn from the use of the peace seal historically and internationally. |
Summer 2020 Lecture Series
June 25, 2020 Lecture
Who Was Right About World War I: Frederick M. Smith or F. Henry Edwards? with Andrew Bolton Join Andrew Bolton as he explores the fascinating views of F. Henry Edwards and Frederick Madison Smith during WWI. Future apostle, F. Henry Edwards, was a British conscientious objector who chose to go to prison rather than risk killing a fellow Christian. Frederick M. Smith, president of the RLDS Church, thought young church members should obey the draft and fight for their country. Who was right and what are the twists and turns in their later relationship as they served together in ministry? What can we learn from F. Henry Edwards and Frederick M. Smith's lives and perspectives in today's Community of Christ? |
July 2, 2020 Lecture
Life, Legacy, and Lessons from Joseph Smith III with Lachlan Mackay This week's lecture features Lachlan Mackay discussing Joseph Smith III, RLDS/Community of Christ prophet/president from 1860-1914. Lachlan will explore the life story of Joseph Smith III including his views on politics, slavery, peace and justice, church leadership, and the many changes that took place during his tenure in the presidency. |
July 9, 2020 Lecture
Life and Legacy of Edward Ellsworth Guy with David Brock Join David Brock as he shares the story of Edward Ellsworth Guy, a missionary and human rights activist. Ed was born and raised in California but spent much of his life exploring the world. He served as a missionary and church planter in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Dave's lecture will explore the life of Ed Guy and the impact he made on Community of Christ. In addition, Dave will share a collection of personal experiences he shared while traveling with Ed Guy and lessons learned along the way. Ed Guy received the Community of Christ/RLDS Humanitarian Award in 1994. |
July 16, 2020 Lecture
[non]Violence: Lessons from Community of Christ History with Seth Bryant In this presentation, Seth Bryant argues that if we desire to become a people of nonviolence we need to interrogate what generates violence and correct any complicity. To this end, the presentation explores our historic vision and mission, and how that orientation contributes to violence. He will focus on specific examples of how Zion generated scarcity, and why that engendered violence; and how the Saints responded to violence. He also looks at what the Saints did right in promoting peace. His lecture concludes with lessons learned from our past that are relevant today, for the church, individuals and families, and communities. |
July 23, 2020 Lecture
History Behind the Annual Reunion Traditions in Community of Christ with Barbara Walden Join Barb Walden as she shares the story behind one of Community of Christ's most beloved traditions: the annual reunion. See historic images, hear stories, and catch a glimpse of of the reunion experience during the summer of 1946. This lecture will feature three additional panelists: Kim Naten, Robert Cook, and Valeria Bryant sharing the unique stories behind the Samish Island, Onset, and Bluff Springs campgrounds. |
July 30, 2020 Lecture
The Story of Community of Christ in the Philippines with David Howlett This week's lecture features David Howlett as he explores the people and places involved in the beginning of the early RLDS/Community of Christ in the Philippines. David shares the stories behind the earliest members of the Community of Christ along with Restorationists and Adventists in the United States. David will speak briefly about the founding of Community One Resource Development (CORD) and the founding of Outreach International. |
August 6, 2020 Lecture
Stories Behind the Preservation of the Joseph Smith Historic Site in Nauvoo, Illinois with Wendy Eaton For over 100 years the preservation of Joseph and Emma Smith's Nauvoo has been an ongoing passion for many supporters of church history. Join Wendy as she shares a selection of these stories of how the site has been understood and cared for over the years. |
August 8, 2020 Lecture
75 Years Later: Ending War, Forging Peace with Andrew Bolton Andrew Bolton will explore the legacy of U.S. President Truman and the peace mission of Community of Christ in this newly added lecture to the Summer Lecture Series. The program will take place on the 75th anniversary of President Truman's signing the ratification of the UN Charter, making the USA the first country in the world to do so. On the same day the second atom bomb fell on Nagasaki, Japan and ended WWII. Andrew will explore how one evaluates these momentous events by President Truman in light of Community of Christ's Temple of Peace. **Note: This lecture will take place at 12:00 pm/Noon (Central USA). |
August 13, 2020 Lecture
The Life and Legacy of Marietta Hodges Walker with Barbara Walden Our final lecture features Barbara Walden sharing the story of Marietta Walker, traditionally heralded as the "Mother of Graceland University." Marietta Walker's life wove an inspiring thread through the first one hundred years of Community of Christ history. She was witness to many of the early events in Kirtland, Far West, and Nauvoo. Marietta immersed herself into the Reorganization for over fifty years. Her educational background prepared her to take an active role in the publication committee for the Inspired Version of the Bible. She was a relentless supporter of education materials for youth and adults, often promoting her ideas while editing and writing for several church publications. In 1895, her educational vision for all became a reality with her generous donation of Iowa farmland for the establishment of Graceland University. |