Virtual Tours of the Historic Sites
Unable to travel to the historic sites to witness where Community of Christ history happened in person? Don't worry, you can experience the historic places through an online virtual tour! Check out the menu below and select the historic site that interests you the most, or take the time to view all four virtual tours. Lachlan Mackay and Barb Walden will serve as your online guides on the Restoration Trail as they share the fascinating stories, architectural details, historic people, and powerful lessons behind the historic places that were significant in the Community of Christ story.
Explore the Kirtland Temple
"Around the quiet little village of Kirtland cluster some of the most remarkable events of Ohio history, and in its presence the visitor still feels the spirit of a people who possessed the fullest measure of faith and whose temple stands yet today as a monument of their devotion." These words appeared in the Painesville Telegraph in 1933, a century after the groundbreaking of the Kirtland Temple. Join Lachlan Mackay and Barb Walden as they explore what makes this historic monument, the Kirtland Temple, such a beloved structure for past and present generations. Learn the story behind Kirtland's "House of the Lord" and the significant people who helped build the historic house of worship. |
A Virtual Visit of the Joseph Smith Historic Site
On the beautiful east bank of the Mississippi River stands the Joseph Smith Historic Site. This historic site is home to a collection of houses once owned by Joseph and Emma Smith, the Smith Family Cemetery, the Nauvoo House, and the bustling Red Brick Store. Join Lach Mackay and Barb Walden as they explore the stories behind a number of the structures at the Joseph Smith Historic Site and highlight a few of lessons from the Nauvoo period. The Joseph Smith Historic Site was established in 1918 for the preservation and conservation of the historic properties. The Red Brick Store was rebuilt in the 1980s to continue the long legacy of preserving church heritage in Nauvoo. |
Journey to the Plano Stone Church
Six years after Joseph Smith III became church president, the Smith family and church headquarters moved from Nauvoo to Plano, Illinois, a growing town located on a rail line just west of Chicago. Plano was home to a strong congregation that included new and old members of the Restoration movement. In 1868, the faith community constructed a beautiful house of worship featuring hand-crafted pews and large arched windows. The old stone church hosted a number of general conferences including the conference that established (and designed) the Community of Christ peace seal. Join Lachlan Mackay and Barb Walden as they explore the Plano period and tour the historic stone church. |
Step Inside Joseph Smith III's Liberty Hall
This beautifully restored landmark on the Restoration Trail, known as Liberty Hall, was home to Joseph Smith III and his family from 1881-1905. The historic home once bustled with energy as the center of social and religious life for members of the Lamoni community. Join Steve Smith, Liberty Hall site director, and Barb Walden on July 28 to hear the stories behind this beautifully restored historic site and the four church presidents who once called it home. |
Help Support and Preserve Community of Christ Heritage
To help support the development of additional online resources and educational material for all ages, please follow the link below to make an online donation. You can also send a gift through the mail by sending it to: Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, P. O. Box 338, Nauvoo, IL 62354. Thank you for helping preserve the past!
To help support the development of additional online resources and educational material for all ages, please follow the link below to make an online donation. You can also send a gift through the mail by sending it to: Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, P. O. Box 338, Nauvoo, IL 62354. Thank you for helping preserve the past!