There are many examples of the mission initiatives throughout Community of Christ history. Below are just a few resources that highlight Community of Christ's historic connections to the mission initiatives.
Mission Initiative Storyteller
Printed versions of the Mission Initiative Storyteller are available.
Please contact Wendy Eaton by phone (217) 453-2246 or by email: [email protected] to obtain your free copy. For additional stories, follow the links below to download the five mission initiative handouts:
The stories above are just a few examples of the mission initiatives found in Community of Christ history.
Herald Articles
Between January and June of 2013, Lachlan Mackay and Barbara Walden published a series of articles in the Community of Christ Herald which highlighted connections between the Mission Initiatives and Community of Christ history.
Heritage Day Worship Services
Click on the links below to view a detailed worship service focused on the individual Mission Initiatives. Although the services were originally designed for the annual Community of Christ Heritage Day (third Sunday of September), the Mission Initiative services can easily work for your congregation throughout the year.