We're well into August, and that means most--if not all--interns at properties supported by the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, have headed back to school or other endeavors.
With them, they're taking newfound skills, a deeper appreciation for church heritage, and new relationships that will last a lifetime. It's all happening because of your generosity. Your donations helped fund their summer through the Alma Blair Internship Program. Though summer is ending, your support can continue. Your generosity can help provide opportunities for a new group of interns next summer. You can give by clicking the "Donate" button on the home page of this website. Many thanks! Representatives of the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation have a long history of offering their message about heritage and preservation at reunions, congregations, and World Conference.
Now they can add SPECTACULAR to the list. Executive Director Barb Walden and Karen Norton, historian for the British Isles Mission Centre, taught a class called "Storytellers." "It was a perfect fit with our 2018 theme, 'ST()RY,' and it added a richness to the gathering of our international participants," said Jenn Killpack, a co-director of the event, which drew just under 1,000 students. "By sharing stories from the church's past and present, they helped campers get a sense of where the church has been and who the church is being called to become. "Stories connect us to our history, to our core values, and to the things that make us who we are." The event, held annually in late July at Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa, drew attendees from four nations. "I was greatly impressed with how the senior highs responded to the church history stories and shared in a very vulnerable and open way," Walden said. "It gave me great hope for the next generation of church history supporters in Community of Christ." |
March 2024
The Forum
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