The Forum is a newsletter published twice a year by the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation for donors, Heritage Club members, and historic site volunteers. The Forum features articles on seasonal highlights at the historic sites, volunteer stories, and the continuing impact of your generous donations.
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Read Past Editions of The Forum Online
The latest issue of The Forum features a warm welcome back to the Community of Christ historic sites after the long site closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Greg Clark interviews the staff from Kirtland Temple, Liberty Hall, and the Joseph Smith Historic Site regarding the site openings and hopes for the future. In addition, the reader discovers the incredible contributions made by the Community of Christ RV Association at the historic sites and an educational article about Emmeline Griswold Smith.
Our Spring 2022 issue of The Forum features a wide variety of exciting stories. Greg Clark shares a fascinating interview with Roger Rose, the new site director at the Kirtland Temple. In addition, the issue gives us a "sneak peek" at the Spring Lecture Series. This issue also acknowledges our generous supporters who helped preserve and share church heritage throughout 2021.
The Fall 2021 issue of The Forum features articles exploring plans to reopen the Community of Christ historic sites in 2022, interviews with Wendy Jenkins, a passionate volunteer serving at the Kirtland Temple, and Sherry Mesle-Morain, our newest member of the Board of Directors. Additional highlights of this issue include a captivating interview with Dr. William Moore, professor of arts and architecture at Boston University. Dr. Moore explores the history and theology behind the RLDS preaching charts in the Community of Christ collection.
This issue of "The Forum" explores the oral history initiatives led by Magen Edvalson, creative online opportunities to share church history, appreciation for the generous donors of 2020, and a tribute article to Seth Bryant, former site director at the Kirtland Temple. The edition also shares the passing of Tom Morain, a former board member and volunteer at the historic sites, who made a significant impact in the lives of many.
The Fall 2020 edition explores how Community of Christ historic sites adapted to the COVID-19 global pandemic through online educational resources and virtual tours. The issue features the return of Steve Smith to his post as site director at Joseph Smith III's Liberty Hall in Lamoni, Iowa. Other highlights of this issue is a remembrance of Kenneth Stobaugh and a look at how Community of Christ Seminary students are preserving the history as it happens.
A new year begins with a new edition of The Forum! This issue includes an article on the October 2019 Holy Land tour. Additional articles feature an interview with Jim and Ann Carson as they share their commitment to preserving church heritage. The spring edition also includes a list of our generous donors from the 2019 year.
This fall edition of the The Forum is a commemorative edition that highlights the 2019 World Conference and the many ways church history was incorporated into the daily conference activities. From the largest "Storyteller" event on record to a bustling conference booth, appreciation luncheons, and so much more. This edition also features a delightful interview with Tom and Susan Webber along with a report on flood activity along the Mississippi River in Nauvoo.
This spring issue of The Forum introduces Christin Mackay, the new site director at the Joseph Smith Historic Site located in Nauvoo, Illinois. The expanded newsletter highlights our generous donors from 2018 and features two excellent interviews with two generous couples: Tim and Sharon Sullivan and Fred and Myra Elliott. This edition is a must read!
This edition introduces our readers to a new way of seeing the Kirtland Temple, through a virtual tour. From the comfort of your home computer or smart phone, you can explore Kirtland's "House of the Lord" from the first floor all the way to the third floor! The Spring 2018 edition also pays tribute to Jeff Naylor, former board president and a significant leader for the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation. We also shine a spotlight on Jack and Phillis Davison, two supporters who care passionately about preserving and sharing church heritage. Lastly, this edition highlights youth caravans at the historic sites and a mission center that has generously supported young adults at Community of Christ historic sites.
This issue celebrates the centennial anniversary of the Joseph Smith Historic Site at Nauvoo, Illinois. In addition to a long list of generous donors for the 2017 year, readers will learn about David Davis's experience as a summer intern and the impactful role the Community of Christ historic sites have played throughout his young adult experience.
This edition of The Forum features a front-page article on the May 2017 church history bus tour of England and Wales. Joseph Smith III's Liberty Hall is also featured heavily in this issue with stories ranging from community outreach to preservation. The Fall "Forum" also introduces readers to our newest board member, Kevin Harper.
The Spring 2017 edition introduces readers to Seth Bryant, new site director at the Kirtland Temple in Kirtland, Ohio. The publication also describes in detail the May 2016 tour of England and Wales, along with a lengthy list of generous donors who contributed to the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation in 2016.
The autumn addition of the Forum beautifully summarized the 2016 year. Historic site volunteers, Barbara Heath in Nauvoo and Bill and Lela Ayers at Kirtland, were featured in interviews that explored their experience serving at the historic sites. The newsletter also featured an article about David and Laura Bolton's hopes for the Joseph Smith Historic Site. Brief articles included a summary of the events and activities of the 2016 World Conference and a description of the upcoming tour to England and Wales.
The spring edition includes an article of recognition for Rick Savage as he prepares for retirement after four decades of service at the Joseph Smith Historic Site. The newsletter also welcomes the new site directors at Heritage Plaza, Jim and Cheryl Craft. Other articles highlight the 2015 donors who have given generously to the Historic Sites Foundation and a review of the 2015 bus tour "For Everyone Born: A Place in the Story."
The fall edition of The Forum highlights the exciting activities taking place in Community of Christ heritage. Activities and events include the debut of The Storytellers program and the new online exhibition "Share Your Object ~ Share Your Story." The edition also includes personal interviews with new board members: Andrea Read, Seth Bryant, and Peter Smith are included.
The spring edition features interviews with a number of people who passionately care for the preservation and interpretation of the historic sites. Those interviews include Karen Graham Wade, new board president; Dan Gregory, former student intern; and Jeff Naylor, former board president. The edition also includes a list of generous donors who made donations to the Historic Sites Foundation during the 2014 year.
Our latest edition introduces readers to Nathan and Kari Twombly, former historic site interns and current supporters of the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation. The Twomblys tell their story of meeting at the historic sites and share why they give generously to support the preserving and sharing of church heritage. In addition to the profile on the Twomblys, the autumn newsletter introduces Tom Morain and Kent Brooner, two board members with a strong connection to church history.
The spring edition introduces readers to Katie Harmon-McLaughlin, new spiritual formation coordinator at the Kirtland Temple and Heather Frey, former summer intern at the Joseph Smith HIstoric Site (now serving in the human resource ministries office of Community of Christ). In addition to meeting Katie and Heather, readers will learn about the recent "Sing the Sacred Story" bus tour, the new members welcomed to the Historic Sites Foundation's board of directors, and a list of the generous donors that help support preserving and sharing church heritage.
The fall edition includes a great article on the recent archaeological digs in Nauvoo, Illinois, near the original location of the Joseph and Lucy Mack Smith home. The newsletter also features an article on the new site director at Joseph Smith III's Liberty Hall, Cindi Wilson, and our newest board member, Sally Roth. Click the link above to learn more about the latest happenings at your historic sites!
The newsletter features a number of interviews with former summer interns who are now Community of Christ leaders. Former historic site interns include Heather Frey, Art Smith, Diane Martin and Kent Parker. Steve Smith, former director of Liberty Hall, describes his remarkable experience during his tenure in Lamoni. The fall newsletter also recognizes the generosity of our 2012 donors.
The fall newsletter features an opening article about the Community of Christ RV Association and their endless efforts to help preserve the historic sites. Feature articles include interviews with Mary Lou Piepergerdes, board member of the Community of Christ Historic Sites Foundation, and Eliane Faura Lahaina a Kirtland Temple volunteer from French Polynesia. The newsletter is topped off with a wonderful article about the history of the church in Australia written by Mark Scherer, Community of Christ historian.
The spring newsletter features a tribute to Don Albro, former director of Community of Christ historic sites and Foundation board member. In addition to the tribute, the newsletter includes an introduction to the Foundation's newest board member, Tim Baller, an article about the recent historic sites bus tour, a volunteer highlight at the Kirtland Temple, and a recognition of our generous 2011 donors.
The fall newsletter describes the exciting festivities surrounding the 175th anniversary of the Kirtland Temple dedication (March 27, 2011), gives an introduction to the new Liberty Hall site director, a tribute to Martha McKain, and brief descriptions of events and developments in Lamoni and Nauvoo.
The spring newsletter explores the upcoming 175th anniversary of the Kirtland Temple dedication (1836-2010), an introduction to the new site coordinator at Heritage Plaza, a commentary by Barbara Walden, and a list of generous donors who have helped preserve and share Community of Christ heritage in 2010.
Highlights of this edition include articles about the Sesquicentennial celebrations at World Conference, an introduction to the Heritage Club membership program, and highlighted stories of donors, volunteers and former site coordinators who have made significant contributions towards sharing and preserving Community of Christ heritage.
Spring newsletter features a tribute to our generous donors for the lasting impacts they have made towards the preservation and community outreach at the historic sites. The newsletter also features an article about Bob and Ruth Potter, two faithful volunteers who have served in Kirtland, Nauvoo, and Independence.
Highlights of this edition include an interview with Tom Morain, newest member of the Foundation Board of Directors. The edition includes a fascinating article about a Graceland student from Russia volunteering at Liberty Hall, the new exhibit at the historic Nauvoo House, the annual return of Smith family descendants to the Smith Family Cemetery, and an interview with the new site coordinator at the Kirtland Temple.